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Malaysian Resuscitation Association (MyRES) Meeting

December 04,2021

Malaysian Resuscitation (MyRES) is an organization that unites all societies and associations in Malaysia that are involved in resuscitation under one umbrella. It currently has 20 organizations. MyRES promotes all efforts for awareness, knowledge and skills on resuscitation.

Objective :

  1. Strengthening the voice of all societies and associations involved in resuscitation
  2. Promoting all efforts for society awareness on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  3. Uniting all societies and associtions with interest in resuscitation under one umbrella
  4. Liberating knowledge and skills on resuscitation to both healthcare personnel as well as the general public
  5. To spearhead the updating and advancing of quality in resuscitation

Currently, the President is Professor Dr Sabariah Faizah Jamaluddin. Any societies interested to join, may contact or message Dr Theyveeka Reddy, the secretary. Representing College of Emergency Physicians

GRA Meeting

November 13,2018

Meeting with Ministry of Education - Bahagian Perkembangan Kurikulum

July 14,2018

Our meeting with Ministry of Education Bahagian Perkembangan Kurikulum, Physical Education dept.

We discussed about helping the schools to conduct CPR in line with their curiculum to have CPR training during secondary school/

Dato Dr Luah, Dr Teoh, Dr Jahlelawati and myself (Dr Sabariah) attended the meeting yesterday morning.

With a bit of work, we should be able to start next year.