
Advance Life Support Committee

Chair: Dato Dr Luah Lean Wah

Terms of Reference
  1. Encouraging all healthcare professionals to undertake certification in advanced life support
  2. Improving the ability of healthcare professionals to effectively manage cardiac arrests and peri-arrests situations
  3. Enhancing adherence to current advanced life support guidelines and best practices at all healthcare facilities
  4. Providing endorsement of advanced life support training programmes in both government and private settings
  5. Developing a standardised and regularly updated national advanced life support guideline
  6. Regularly reviewing latest evidence of resuscitation science and adopting suitable recommendations into national advanced life support guideline

Basic Life Support Committee

Chair: Dr Mohd Fazrul Mokhtar

Terms of Reference
  1. To bring together all organizations conducting BLS training to establish standardized training requirements in Malaysia.
  2. To encourage the Malaysia population to be trained in CPR
  3. To formulate, disseminate and promote regular educational programmes, in the form of workshops, webinars or similar, related to basic life support to the public and/or healthcare practitioners.
  4. To assess BLS training programme from interested parties in terms of MyRes endorsing these programmes.
  5. To assist any future cardiopulmonary resuscitation audit or research within MyRES’s capability

Education Committee

Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr Muhammad Maaya

Terms of Reference
  1. To formulate, disseminate and promote regular educational programmes, in the form of workshops, webinars or similar, related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the public and/or healthcare practitioners.
  2. To conduct or assist in the conduct of the above educational programme.
  3. To assess educational programme from interested parties in terms of MyRes endorsing these programmes.
  4. To assist any future cardiopulmonary resuscitation audit or research within MyRes’s capability.

First Aid Committee

Chair: Dr Theyveeka Selvy d/o Rajoo

Terms of Reference
  1. To formulate, disseminate and promote regular educational FIRST Aid programmes, in the form of workshops or webinars to the public.
  2. To teach how to stop bleeding, splints, bandages etc
  3. To assist layman CPR in conjunction with the BLS group.

Paediatric Life SUpport & Neonatal Resuscitation Committee

Chair: Dr Neoh Siew Hong

Terms of Reference
  1. To encourage all healthcare professionals involved in the care of children to be trained in paediatric life support or advanced paediatric life support depending on their level of responsibility.
  2. To encourage all healthcare professionals involved in the delivery of newborn babies and/or care of neonates to be trained in neonatal resuscitation.
  3. To ensure adherence to current paediatric life support, advanced paediatric life support and neonatal resuscitation guidelines stipulated by the member organisations responsible for these programmes.
  4. To regularly update resuscitation guidelines based on the latest evidence available.